Fresh Start

Fresh Start

Do you find yourself constantly refreshing your social media feeds, but still feeling drained?

It’s a paradox. A refresh should clear the stage and cleanse the mind before a new influx of information, but in our media saturated world, “refresh” can signal the opposite. Instead of a calm pause, it can be a hastily patched up cliffhanger: we wait impatiently for the next set of posts to stave away stillness or silence.

At The Refresh, we bring you carefully curated pieces from the more thoughtful corners of our ever-refreshing world. We’ll reflections on everything from on art, culture and live performance to our health, the natural world and the far reaches to which we can travel. We’ll chronicle the advances and struggles of women in technology, tell your real life stories, and share a good recipe or pet care tip now and then. We’ll bring you writing to inspire, relax, excite and center you.

Have an idea for a story or a photo essay? Send us a pitch!

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