Refresh Rewind: Sickness and Health

Refresh Rewind: Sickness and Health

by:  The Refresh Editors

Have you ever rolled your eyes at the health coverage you see in magazines or online? If you’re tired of reading cheery listicles of health tips that don’t take chronic illness into account, or paeans to the latest trendy diet, TheRefresh is here for you with pieces that explore not just how to stay well, but how to live a full, rich life even as you face health challenges, and that honor the personal experiences of people living in all sorts of bodies. Today, we’re featuring some highlights of our health and wellness writing. If you’re inspired to share your own perspective, pitch us at: rfrshmail (at) gmail (dot) com.

How to be Sick: A Short Primer on Living Well with Chronic Illness

Being diagnosed with a chronic illness — and coping with that illness day to day — is far a challenge beyond Dr. Google’s ability. But take it from Lauren Jonik: it’s possible to live well even when your condition doesn’t disappear. Her time-tested tips will set you up for success and  comfort or help you understand what a loved one is going through.

No Race, Only Runners: How and Why to Run

Andrea Crowley-Hughes takes us on a personal journey through the streets where she developed the running habit that helps manager her anxiety. Whether you’re curious about starting a running practice or want to compare notes, check out how she found the balance between spontaneity and routine.

The Door’s Not Locked: Letting Go of the Therapy That Saved My Life

Taking care of mental health is often a series of small victories rather than automatic breakthroughs. Genevieve Lowles shares her experiences working through suicidal thoughts, loss and trauma in multiple therapeutic settings, and the powerful insights she gained through the process.

How Going Gluten-Free Changed My Life

Nadia Gerassimenko tells the story of how she became her own health advocate and found an approach that worked for her. While not everyone is gluten free, many can relate to wading through a maze of medical approaches before reaching a discovery that improves one’s life.

Chronically Trying: Dating While Ill

Health affects many areas of our life — including our relationships. Kelley O’Brien recounts the ableism she faced while dating, and how being authentic helped her find a perfect match.


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