Refresh Rewind: The Natural World

Refresh Rewind: The Natural World

By Refresh Editors

You may have gathered that we’re animal lovers by the fact that we marked Valentine’s Day with my essay which was a love letter to cats, but did you know we have a variety of science pieces in our archive? We’ve been lucky to interview experts, and to have science writers delve into the wildest of wildlife. Read along if you interested in exploring the wonders of the natural world with us. And if you want to write on a science topic or know an expert for us to interview, email rfrshmail (at) gmail (dot) com. – Andrea

The Emotional Intelligence of Orcas

Ashleigh Papp clears up some of the mystery about killer whales. It turns out they are not only striking (and intimidating) in appearance, but they are also social and smart. She explores the behavior of this ocean creature and scientists’ quest to understand what they might be thinking – and even feeling.

Tiger, Tiger Burning Bright: Inside the Dark World of the Illegal Wildlife Trade with Rachel Nuwer

Poached is a detailed look into underground wildlife trafficking, and Madhvi Ramani interviewed the book’s author, Rachel Nuwer, about the places her research took her, the obstacles to poaching being taken seriously and what the everyday cpnservationist can do to help.

The Artistic Astronaut: Nicole Stott on Seeing Earth from Space

It’s a rare person that has seen our blue-and-green planet from outer space, but Nicole Stott is one such explorer. In her interview with Refresh editor Lauren Jonik, she opens up about her astronaut training, her artwork and that time she painted watercolors from space!

Who Needs More Protection from Sunscreen — You or the Ocean?

Beach season is on the horizon, but how does one make sure they stay sun safe without further damaging our oceans? Read this piece to learn what chemicals are harmful to underwater life, and what you can use as an alternative.

Butterfly Biologist-Turned-Science Writer: An Interview with Dr. Helene Engler

Do you like butterflies (and how is that even a question)? Dr Helene Engler gets detailed about how butterflies grow, where their patterns come from and what environmental challenges they face – plus what a typical day for a butterfly biologist is like.

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